Security News, Tips & Advice
There are many benefits to living in Beaconsfield, officially the third most affluent location in England behind Mayfair & Virginia Water, with an average property value of £1.25m.
However, if you are the victim of a crime in Beaconsfield, then the chances of your crime being investigated and leading to a conviction puts you at a decided disadvantage. Not least if you are the victim of a burglary, theft or robbery (yes they are classed as different crimes).
According to Thames Valley Police there were 152 burglaries, 26 robberies, 67 cases of theft, of which 26 were of bicycles, recorded over the last three years to November 2024. Whilst this compares favourably to other crime hotspots like Slough and Reading, the levels of investigations and convictions are depressingly low.
The following is a snap shot of the status of all reported crimes in Beaconsfield for the last three years to November 2024:
Investigation complete, no suspect identified – 1,134 (40%)
Unable to prosecute suspect – 858 (30.2%)
You can see all of the crime statistics for Beaconsfield here:
I know what you’re thinking - the other 29.8% are doing the hardest porridge at His Majesty’s pleasure since Andy Dufrane in the Shawshank Redemption – wrong!
Of the rest they are recorded under a variety of status’s such as “prosecution not in the public interest”, “local resolution” (read – too much paperwork), “offender given a caution” (read – too much paperwork), or “action to be taken by another organisation” (read – drug problems).
The Low Level Of Burglary Convictions in Beaconsfield is Shocking
So, it seems that taking up burglary as an occupation in Beaconsfield could prove not only financially rewarding, but you can do it with impunity since your chances of getting caught and/or prosecuted are extremely low. But what of the residents and business owners of Beaconsfield, what can they do to protect themselves and put off the would-be burglar?
The answer lies in the installation of up to date intruder alarm systems for the home and business. Most burglars are opportunists who look for a lack of security when the home or business is unoccupied.
Templewood Security Systems is located in Gerrards Cross and has been providing the installation and maintenance of the highest quality commercial and domestic intruder alarm systems for over 30 years.
We are a family business, priding ourselves in the kind of excellence in customer service that our larger competitors do not provide.
Contact Us today for a free and no obligation survey and/or quotation.
Is Beaconsfield England’s best place to be a thief?
A modern, smart security system ultimately provides a combination of convenience, peace of mind, and protection, making it a thoroughly worthwhile investment for business owners and homeowners. It is also very much worth considering the fact that the installation of the right security systems can also result in significant saving on your insurance.
Templewood Security Systems are Buckinghamshire and Berkshire’s leading Smart Security Systems business delivering peace of mind to local customers for over 30 years. Call us today on 01753 648 330 our use our CONTACT FORM to arrange a home security review and find out more about our Smart Security Solutions.
Author: Lloyd Marriot, Director, Templewood Security Systems Ltd
Date: 10th January 2025